Bill Phillips Right Nutrition Transformation Book - 1 ea - 9781401911768

Bill Phillips Right Nutrition Transformation Book

Bill Phillips Right Nutrition





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SKU 9781401911768
Weight 0.3 lb
Dimensions 7.625” W X 9.500”H X 0.750” D

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The Mindset You Need. The Body You Want. The Life You Deserve. Transform your life, inside and out. Right now, more people are suffering from painful and preventable poor health than at any other time in our nations history. But best-selling Body-for LIFE author Bill Phillips believes that for millions of people, depression, illness, and obesity in America can stop right now. With his life-changing plan revealed through 18 simple, weekly steps Transformation shows you how to be healed, renewed, and re-inspired. Make exercise and eating right a way of life. Reduce bodyfat while gaining strength and energy. Transform not just your body, but your mind and soul. Cultivate healthy thoughts and attitudes. Connect with your individual purpose. Make a difference in the lives of others. Become stronger, healthier and happier.